5 Hal Penting Perlu Dikuasai Ketika Mulai Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Saat kamu baru memulai belajar bahasa Inggris, tentu banyak rintangan atau challenge yang akan kamu hadapi. Terkadang rintangan atau tantangan tersebut membuat kamu jadi ingin cepat menyerah, karena mungkin kamu tidak mengerti apa saja yang kamu perlukan ketika ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris. Tips berikut ini 5 Hal Penting Perlu Dikuasai Ketika Belajar Bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu lakukan:

Indonesian Folktales Series: The Legend of Malin Kundang

Indonesian Folktales Series: The Legend of Malin Kundang

Indonesian Folktales Series: The Legend of Malin Kundang

Once upon a time, a family of fishermen lived in a fishing village in Air Manis, West Sumatra. Due to the family's financial needs, the father migrated across the sea. 

However, the father never returned to the village and left his wife, Mande Rubayah. The wife then raised their son, Malin, by herself. Malin was often 'dikundang-kundang' (meaning taken anywhere) by his mother. Therefore, the child got a new nickname, Malin Kundang.

Malin grew up as a smart boy, but a bit naughty. Malin often chased chickens and hit them with a broom. One day, when Malin was chasing chickens, he fell and hit his hand on a rock. The wound left a mark on his arm. 

One day, when Malin was chasing chickens, he fell and hit his arm on a rock, known as batu menangis (the weeping rock). The wound left a mark on his arm. 

Growing up, Malin felt sorry for her mother who had to struggle to provide for them, so she intended to migrate with a merchant ship. When he told his mother about his intention, she did not allow him to go. 

Mrs. Mande was not willing to leave her only child behind. She was also afraid that Malin would become like his father who left and never returned to the village.

Despite his mother's refusal, Malin did not stop persuading her. Seeing Malin's persistence, Mrs. Mande allowed him to leave, although with a heavy heart. After convincing her mother that she would be fine, Malin said goodbye and left Mrs. Mande alone in the village.

While sailing on his journey, a bad incident happened to the ship Malin was traveling on and he was stranded on a beach. The villagers on the beach welcomed and helped Malin to live and work there. 

Malin worked diligently to cultivate the village's fertile land and became increasingly successful. Malin had 100 workers and several trading ships of his own. After becoming a rich man, Malin married the daughter of a rich merchant. 

Meanwhile, Mrs. Mande never received any news from Malin after his departure. For years, Mrs. Mande could only stare at the sea while praying that her son would survive and send news, or even return to the village. 

Whenever a large ship docked in the village, Mrs. Mande always asked the captain and crew about her son. However, no one ever brought news or a message from Malin.

Once upon a time, Malin, his wife, and several crew members went sailing on a large ship. After sailing for a while, the ship anchored on an island. Without realizing it, it turned out to be Malin's hometown. 

Seeing the large ship anchored, the villagers, including Mrs. Mande, gathered on the beach. They wanted to welcome the ship, which they thought belonged to a sultan or prince.

From a distance, a young man and woman were seen standing on the platform, wearing luxurious clothes. Ibu Mande saw and realized that the young man was Malin. As soon as the ship docked and the two young men got off the ship, Ibu Mande ran to her son. 

Up close, she saw the scars on his arms and became convinced that he was Malin. She then hugged Malin, calling his name and asking how he was doing. 

Up close, Mrs. Mande saw the scars on the young man's arm and became convinced that he was Malin.

Malin's wife, who was standing near Malin, was surprised to see an old woman dressed in rags hugging her husband while claiming to be his mother. Understandably, all this time Malin had claimed that his parents were nobles and had died. 

Malin's wife asked Malin who the woman really was. Ashamed of his wife, Malin then pushed his mother and said harsh words to Mrs. Mande. ↳

Malin did not recognize her as his mother and said that his mother was not like Ibu Mande who was dirty and poor. After that, Malin ordered his wife and men to hurry back to the ship to set sail.

The elderly Mrs. Mande lay on the sand, crying, and hurt until she fainted. After finally waking up, Ibu Mande lived alone on the beach and the villagers who had been crowded had left her. Mrs. Mande also saw that Malin and his wife's ship had sailed away from the shore. Crying, Mrs. Mande knelt down and raised her hands to pray to God. 

Mrs. Mande prayed that if the young man was not Malin Kundang, Mrs. Mande would forgive his actions. But, if the young man was really Malin Kundang, then Mrs. Mande cursed him to become a stone.

Mrs. Mande prayed that if the young man was really Malin Kundang, then Mrs. Mande would curse him to become a stone.

After Mrs. Mande prayed, the bright sky suddenly turned dark. Heavy rain and storms appeared. Malin's sailing ship was smashed to pieces by lightning. 

The next day when the storm had subsided, the wreckage of the ship that had turned into stone was swept by the waves to an island. Among the debris that washed up on the beach, there was one boulder shaped like a bowed human body, along with anchovies, mullets and mackerel swimming between the stones. 

Local people believe that the stone is Malin's body that was cursed to turn into stone because he disobeyed his mother, and the fish around it are fragments of Malin's wife's body who is looking for her husband.

Moral of Malin Kundang Story

The main lesson contained in the Malin Kundang story is that a child must always respect the parents who have raised him. In addition, another lesson that can be learned is that we must always be humble and not be arrogant with all the success that has been achieved.  

A child should always respect the parents who have raised them.

Finally, we should always be honest in our actions. Because any lies or cheating will definitely be revealed later on. Just like Malin who lied about his parents' background, and eventually became disobedient because he was ashamed of his own lies.

Fifteen Words
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