5 Hal Penting Perlu Dikuasai Ketika Mulai Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Saat kamu baru memulai belajar bahasa Inggris, tentu banyak rintangan atau challenge yang akan kamu hadapi. Terkadang rintangan atau tantangan tersebut membuat kamu jadi ingin cepat menyerah, karena mungkin kamu tidak mengerti apa saja yang kamu perlukan ketika ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris. Tips berikut ini 5 Hal Penting Perlu Dikuasai Ketika Belajar Bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu lakukan:

Indonesian Folktales Series: BITTER-TONGUE FOLKLORE

Indonesian Folktales Series: BITTER-TONGUE FOLKLORE


There used to be a prince named Serunting. He was a descendant of a giant from the Sumidang region. There was one bad trait he had, which was always jealous of other people's property. His brother-in-law, the younger brother of his wife named Aria Tebing, also felt this envy. The envy continued with a quarrel between the two.

The quarrel turned into a big feud. The reason was that they had adjacent rice fields separated by trees. Underneath the trees were mushrooms. The fungus facing Aria Tebing's field grew, becoming gold metal, while the fungus facing Serunting's field grew into a useless plant. Serunting accused Aria Tebing of using his knowledge to turn his mushrooms into weeds.

One day, there was a fierce fight between Serunting and Ana Tebing. Because Serunting was more powerful, Arya Tebing was pushed back and almost killed. However, Aria Tebing managed to escape. Then he met and persuaded his sister (Serunting's wife) to tell him the secret of Serunting's magic.  After hearing the secret of her magic, Aria Tebing again challenged Serunting. Serunting accepted the challenge. When the fight was at its peak, Aria Tebing was almost defeated. At that moment, Aria Tebing saw a trembling weed. Immediately he stuck his spear into the trembling weeds. Serunting immediately fell and was badly injured. Serunting was shocked because her brother-in-law could discover her secret, even though only his wife knew. Feeling betrayed by his wife, he went wandering.

Serunting went to Mount Siguntang to meditate. Dewa Mahameru promised her supernatural powers. The power was in the form of the ability of her tongue to change things according to what she wanted. Furthermore, she intended to return to her village in the Sumidang area. On the way back, he tested his magic. On the shores of Lake Ranau, he found a stretch of yellowing sugarcane trees.

Serunting said. “Be a stone.” So it was true, the plant turned into stone. He also cursed everyone he met on the banks of the Jambi River to become stone. Since then, Serunting got the nickname the Pahit Lidah. After a long time walking from one area to another, the Bitter Tongue realized his mistake and he wanted to make amends with kindness. Reportedly, he turned the bare Serut Hill into a lush timber forest. The locals were happy and enjoyed the abundant forest produce. Although the words that came out of his mouth had borne sweet fruit, Serunting was still nicknamed the Bitter Tongue.

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