5 Hal Penting Perlu Dikuasai Ketika Mulai Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Saat kamu baru memulai belajar bahasa Inggris, tentu banyak rintangan atau challenge yang akan kamu hadapi. Terkadang rintangan atau tantangan tersebut membuat kamu jadi ingin cepat menyerah, karena mungkin kamu tidak mengerti apa saja yang kamu perlukan ketika ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris. Tips berikut ini 5 Hal Penting Perlu Dikuasai Ketika Belajar Bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu lakukan:

Ordinal Numbers - Angka Urutan Di Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ordinal number adalah angka yang menunjukan urutan dari sesuatu dan mempunyai ciri-ciri akhiran seperti st, nd, rd, dan th.

Berikut merupakan contoh ordinal number:

1st : first (pertama)

2nd: second (kedua)

3rd : third (ketiga)

4th : fourth (keempat)

5th : fifth (kelima)

6th : sixth (keenam)

7th : seventh (ketujuh)

8th : eighth (kedelapan)

9th : ninth (kesembilan)

10th : tenth (kesepuluh)

11th : eleventh (kesebelas)

12th : twelfth (kedua belas)

13th : thirteenth (ketiga belas)

14th : fourteenth (keempat belas)

15th : fifteenth (kelima belas)

20th : twentieth (kedua puluh)

21st : twenty-first (kedua puluh satu)

22nd : twenty-second (kedua puluh dua)

23rd : twenty-third (kedua puluh tiga)

24th : twenty-fourth (kedua puluh empat)

30th : thirtieth (ketiga puluh)

31st : thirty-first (ketiga puluh satu)

dan seterusnya.

Biasanya ordinal number digunakan dalam kalimat yang mengungkapkan tanggal, urutan maju ke sebuah acara, urutan juara dalam suatu lomba, dan lain-lain.



Todd: Hello. Are you the new teacher?

Natalie: I am, yes. My name's Natalie. What's your name?

Todd: I'm Todd. Nice to meet you.

Natalie: Nice to meet you, too.

Todd: Welcome to the school.

Natalie: Thank you.

Todd: What is your morning schedule?

Natalie: In the first period, I teach Math.

Todd: So do I. I teach Math first period, too.

Natalie: Oh, cool. After that, for the second period, I teach French.

Todd: You speak French?

Natalie: I do. Oui Oui.

Todd: That's great. Well, I speak some Japanese, so I teach Japanese in the second period.

Natalie: Oh, that's so cool. I wish I spoke Japanese.

Todd: Yeah, but my Japanese is not very good.

Natalie: Oh.

Todd: But I'm the only teacher that speaks Japanese, so I teach Japanese.

Natalie: Maybe you could teach me one day.

Todd: Maybe, but I don't know much. How about the third period? What do you teach the third period?

Natalie: The third period, I teach English.

Todd: Ah. I teach English, too. Our schedules are very similar.

Natalie: I know, although it is my first day. I'm a little nervous.

Todd: What about the afternoon schedule? What do you teach in the fourth period?

Natalie: The fourth period, I think I have Physics.

Todd: Oh, you teach Physics?

Natalie: Yeah. I love Physics. Do you teach Physics?

Todd: No, I don't teach Physics, but I teach Math. I teach Math fourth period.

Natalie: Oh. What do you teach in the fifth period?

Todd: In the fifth period, that's the sports period. I am the cross-country coach.

Natalie: Oh. I have sports, too, but I'm the coach for swimming.

Todd: Oh, really? Are you a good swimmer?

Natalie: I think I'm a really good swimmer. How about you?

Todd: I can swim, but I'm not a good swimmer. I like running.

Natalie: Oh, I hate running. How far do you run?

Todd: Well, for the class, usually we run 5K every day.

Natalie: Wow! 5K. Sixth period, I hear that's our teaching hours.

Todd: Yeah. Sixth period, we are in the classroom, but the students are free. They can do what they want. But students can come to class and ask questions.

Natalie: Oh, cool. Do lots of students come and ask questions?

Todd: Yeah. Some students come, but not too many.

Natalie: Oh, okay.

Todd: Well, this is your first day and your first week, so maybe the job will be a little crazy. But I think after your second or third week, the job will be very, very easy.

Natalie: I hope so. I'm really excited to meet the students. They seem great.

Todd: Oh, I think the students will like you a lot.

Natalie: Oh, I hope so, too. Maybe if you have some time, you could give me a tour of the school?

Todd: Sure. I'd love to.

Natalie: Great. Thanks.

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